Sunday, September 16, 2012

The summer wind came blowin' in...

As summer comes to a close, I can't help but get Frank Sinatra's "The Summer Wind" stuck in my head. 

Summer, for me, has been quite the whirlwind.  I have been so incredibly busy, I barely had time to sit and relax.  I just came back from a weekend trip to the Bahamas with girlfriends which was fun but I barely got any sleep and therefore, barely any relaxation.  Such is life.

In the world of surgery news, my 6 month probation period is done on September 24th.  I will have my sixth visit with the surgeon and hopefully schedule a date.  In the meanwhile, I just found out about a month ago all the additional testing I need done.  I'm annoyed because I could've gotten it done a lot sooner and with more space between but that's the way the cookie crumbles I guess.  I need to have a psych evaluation, blood work, an endoscopy, and a recommendation letter from a regular PCP.  Since my PCP and I are in a fight, I had to find a new one.  My surgeon recommended seeing the PCP in his office and she was great.  No problem recommending me for surgery.

The psych evaluation and my endoscopy are up next this week.  I'm debating getting my blood work done the same day as my endoscopy but due to nagging from my mother, I may be going to Long Island to finally design my wedding album. It's almost a year after I got married and let me tell you that little sucker is a pain in the ass.  I really wish I could just say to them "Please just design as you see fit." but apparently that's frowned upon (mostly by your mother).

In addition to that, I've decided to start the damned INH medication for tuberculosis.  I'm so beyond annoyed about this that I'm not even annoyed anymore, does that make sense?  I've whined, I've googled, I've WINED (literally) but it seems like the best course of action is to take the stupid INH.  Who wants real TB anyway?  Especially not me since I often have bouts of bronchitis at least once a year.  I'm actually going on week two of a horrible hacking cough related to asthma and bronchitis.  Do I really want to worry every time I get bronchitis, which I legit get once a year, that I might have tuberculosis?  No, not really.  I also don't want to be a social pariah at work every time I cough since most people know about my ridiculous TB situation.

It seems like fun times are ahead.  Since I'll be sober majority of the time and not really going to or enjoying social events, I will probably update this blog more.  It's certainly easier than designing your stupid wedding album. 

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